

Posted on 04 August 2018 by Phil Coleman

As a company (and as a person) I believe in being honest and upfront, and when it comes to kitchen blinds this is really important.

When you are buying kitchen blinds in my opinion there are 3 question you need to ask:

  1. Will it look good?
  2. Is it easy to clean?
  3. Will it last?

Will it look good? There are some fantastic window blinds available today and they are amazing and look fantastic. Are they suitable for kitchens? The honest answer for most of them is not really.

Windows that are away from the cooking and washing areas will be fine with most styles of window blinds, but the windows near the cooking areas a specific kitchen window blind would be a better choice.

Is it easy to clean? This is the important one. Even in the most pristine homes your kitchen window blinds will get splash marks, grease marks, sticky finger prints etc, so it is very important that the blinds can be cleaned, and are reasonably easy to clean.

Standard fabrics for Vertical and Roller Blinds are made from polyester so will withstand moist conditions and light rubbing with a damp cloth, but you need to be careful how rigorous you are, and how wet you get them.

PVC Vertical and Roller Blind fabrics are the perfect choice. 100% waterproof, very robust (we install these in schools and hospitals which have very thorough cleaning policies). So are more than suitable for your kitchen window blinds.

If you prefer the look of venetian blinds then Faux wood is the ideal product for your kitchen windows. They have the look of traditional wood blinds but are made from PVC, so as with the vertical and roller fabrics is waterproof and robust.

You will not get the issues of paint coming off, or the wood warping if it gets too wet that can sometimes happen with the natural wood blinds.

Will they last? If you chose a kitchen blind that is specifically designed for kitchen the yes they will last, and make a very good long term investment. If you choose an alternative blind that is not so easy to clean, or a little more fragile then you may end up replacing them sooner than you would like as they may have discoloured, or have marks that you cannot get out.

Perfect Kitchen Blinds:

Vertical Blinds with PVC easy clean fabric.

Roller Blinds with PVC easy clean fabric.

Faux Wood Venetians, made from PVC so easy to clean.

Not so good Kitchen Blinds

Roman Blinds, generally dry clean only. Many with cotton fabrics that are not great if wet.

Night and Day Blinds, Voile part of the fabric is very fragile, so difficult to clean.

Aluminium Venetians, Pretty good to keep clean, but slats are thin so can bend if not careful.

Duette / Pleated Blinds, Fabric is fragile and can crease, and the design is awkward to keep clean.
