Posted on 27 September 2018 by Phil Coleman

Motorised blinds for sliding doors are becoming more and more popular.
There are several issues with blinds and sliding doors that you need to consider.
- Generally, there is not enough room between the sliding panels to fit motorised blinds to the doors.
- Sliding doors tend to be fairly wide, so you may need several blinds side by side to cover the full width.
The maximum widths for a single-motorised blind for sliding doors can vary for different blind types.
- Motorised Vertical Blinds our recommended maximum width of 4800 mm
- Motorised Roller blinds our recommended maximum width of 2400 mm
- Motorised Duette blinds our recommended maximum width of 3000 mm
Motorised blinds for sliding doors are the perfect option if you have to have multiple blinds to cover the width.
Manually operated blinds tend to be controlled by a chain or cords, not too bad if you need 2 blinds as you can have one chain on the left and one on the right. More of a problem if you need 3 blinds. Do you want a chain hanging in the middle of your doors?
Motorised blinds have no such issues.
There is also no need to run power cables into each window as most modern blinds can either be battery-powered or rechargeable.
Battery-powered is not as bad as it sounds, you won’t be placing batteries every few weeks. We have a motorised Duette blind on display that is 1800 mm wide and 2100 mm deep and gets used several times a day and we change them every 8 months.
Rechargeable blinds charge similarly to your mobile phone. Just plug in a charging cable every few months, then remove the cable when the blind is charged. Simple.
Allusion Vertical Blinds
Roller Blinds (note the gap between the 2 blinds)
Duette blinds. (One wide blind and one smaller blind for the opening door)
I hope this information has helped, and I would recommend a visit to your local blind shop to discuss all of the options available to you.