Posted on 22 July 2019 by Phil Coleman

I’ve just spent 2 hours with a customer talking about motorised blinds for bifold doors.
His ideal was to have blinds fitted to each panel of the door rather than having blinds fitted in front of the doors. This can be done with INTU blinds.
INTU blinds do look great and do everything he needed EXCEPT motorised. The problem is when the doors fold back there just isn’t room to fit a blind with a motor because that the stop the door closing properly because motorised blind are wider so we can fit a motor.
So the only option if you really want motorised blinds for bifold doors is to have them installed in front of the doors.
Having now seen many types of blinds fitted in front of bifold doors in my opinion the best looking blinds are blinds that fit at the top and come down.
The main reason for this is that when they are up and out of the way you hardly notice them which for me is important. Rather than the vertical type blind that will have a stack of fabric at one side of your door when pulled back.
Although saying that we have fitted a lot of Allusion blinds in front of bi-fold doors and they really look very stylish and can be motorised.
So if motorisation is really important to you there are a couple of really nice options open to you.
Firstly motorised Roller Blinds. These blinds can be mains powered if you have the electrics in place. Or rechargeable in the same way you would recharge your mobile phone. Simply plug in a power lead every few months, wait for the blind to charge and remove the lead. Very simple.
Size wise the maximum width we would generally do on a motorised roller blinds is 2.5 metres wide. So you may need 2 or even 3 blinds to cover your bifold doors.
The positioning of your roller blinds is really important as there will be a gap between the fabrics, so ideally the gap should be lined up with the frame of the door.
As you can see with this photo the gaps are lined up with the door frames but if you stand at angle you will see the glass. Just something you need to consider.
The option for motorised blinds for bifold doors are cellular blinds. These work in a very similar way to the roller blinds, but the gaps between the blinds is a lot smaller.
Cellular blinds can be battery or mains powered, so again there is no need to worry about wiring if there is none there.
All of the motorised blinds for bifold doors can be operated by remote control, smartphone or tablet or even voice activated by Alexa.
I hope this information has helped and if you are in Leicestershire and would like a home visit to discuss the best options for your doors please call 0116 2769771 or what’s app 07718186941.