Posted on 06 December 2017 by Phil Coleman

Vertical blinds looking like office blinds is something we hear fairly often and I can totally understand why people might think that, or find it puts them off opting for this style of blind.
For years classic vertical blinds have been the blinds of choice for offices and workplace, and they still are pretty popular.
But things have changed….. People who make the ‘office blind’ comment generally have not seen the fabric selections available now for vertical blinds, or seen the mix and max options now available to create a truly customisation look – and endless possibilities!
Over the last few years most fabric suppliers have been producing fabric ranges designed with home interiors in mind. This now means that the selection of fabrics now available is incredible.
We’ve seen a real trend in creating ‘feature’ windows, where rather than having a feature wall they use the blind and the choice of fabric to create a focal point for the room.
As you can see from the picture above, with the addition of a few cushions in the same colour and mix and match louvres, vertical blinds can really bring a room to life.
The nice thing about vertical blinds is that should you decide to change your colour scheme in a few year then you simply replace the strips of fabric.
Don’t get me wrong we still install a lot of cream and white blinds, but there is a growing trend for something a little different.
We are also seeing more people selecting different fabrics on the same blind, we call them vertical panel blinds.
This gives you the chance to create something completely unique by mixing the fabrics of your choice.
I know these colours will be to much for many people but you don’t have to be quite so adventurous.
This Vertical Blind creates a real focal point, and looks very classy with the right cushions and accessories.
It might be time to take another look at your blinds, and perhaps invest in some vertical blinds that are a little more interesting and that let you show off your design eye!
I hope this has given you a little to think about and some inspiration. For more information on the vertical blinds materials and options available, check out our vertical blinds page.