Posted on 24 August 2018 by Phil Coleman

So for less than £200 you could have an electric blind installed and operate it from the comfort of your sofa.
Even though the prices have dropped amazingly the quality of the products hasn’t.
Take a remote-controlled roller blind, there are no wires to run into the window, no ugly battery packs to hide and the remote control looks like a certain fruit-inspired smartphone.
The roller blinds charge the same way as your phone, every few months simply plug them in, leave them to charge and then remove the charging lead. Simple.
Most blind styles can now be made as electric blinds, so you certainly aren’t limited in choice.
Electric blinds can also be operated from your smartphone or tablet by simply attaching a hub to your wifi router.
Your blinds can then be operated from anywhere in the world.
The also allows you to program your blinds to operate at certain times of the day. So if you want to make sure your children are out of bed in the summer holidays then you can schedule their blinds to open at say 10 am.
This is a great feature for holiday time as your home will still appear as being occupied whilst you are away.
A simple tip with scheduling is to have your blinds scheduled while you are at home and continue the same schedule while you are away. That way if someone is watching your home the routine stays the same.
The hub also allows your blinds to be voice-activated via Alexa, so you can then ‘talk’ to your blinds.
The hub is only £249 so you certainly get a lot for your money and can be set up at the time your blinds are installed and is very simple to program so you can set up the schedules that suit your lifestyle.
I hope this information helps and it maybe it would be worth a visit to your local blind showroom to see the electric blinds for yourself.