Posted on 30 September 2019 by Barlow Blinds

Motorised blinds also known as electric blinds, which are the latest trend in the window covering industry to fulfil the demands on smarter homes, to make life easier, more relaxed and more convenient. The motorised blinds work by using a small motor to control the motion by gently turning the blind shaft at the touch of a button. Electric motorised blinds come in battery or mains powered options, there are extremely efficient and virtually silent.
Below are some of the advantages of installing electric motorised blinds:
- Smart-Lighting –Smart-blinds work well when paired together with smart lighting. They aid in the maximisation of daylight quantity in your house thus cutting down on energy bills. This is particularly so in the instance where opening the blinds automatically switches off the smart lights and closing the blinds turn on the smart lights.
- Enhances the R-Value –For starters, R-value is a measure of how well insulation (or barrier) resists the flow of heat through conduction. Smart blinds, without even mentioning the smart lights here, contribute a lot in enhancing the insulation value of your windows. Your typical window comes with an R-Value of 2.0 while the traditional honeycomb or roller blinds have an R-Value of 4.3! With the motorised blinds, be sure of adding the insulation layer to the windows thus enhancing its ability to insulate your house much more.
- Safety –The safety of your children is normally a major concern in any property, whether at a residential home or commercial building. The absence of cords adds security features to your windows. You don’t have to keep ensuring that they are inaccessible by your children.
This is a major benefit that you can draw from the smart shades; no worries about your child’s safety. The smart shades can also be connected to the smoke alarm. In case of fire, the blinds automatically open thus allowing the emergency services crew to see through your house and offer support. - Security –The smart blinds can be remotely controlled or set to a schedule where they open and close. In this way, they fool the would-be burglars to think that someone is in the house or home. This dissuades them from attacking your home because they think it is occupied at that time.
- Convenience –By just pressing a button or using a smartphone app or remote control, the smart blinds open or close. The window coverings control the amount of sunlight that gains entry into your house. This in total prevents heat loss. This, of course, helps you benefit from the environment around you. The smart blinds also have the ability to be set on a scheduled opening and closing mechanism. This is much easier than remembering to manually pull them up and down whenever there is a need.
In summary, motorised smart blinds have many benefits over your traditional roller blinds. Apart from the convenience they come with, they help very much in energy saving, child safety and security of your home.
Here at Barlow Blinds, we offer a wide range of window coverings from vertical blinds, roman blinds, roller blinds to Powerview motorised blinds to suit your needs. For enquiry, please contact us on 0116 366 0652, or send us a message via the online contact form.